About Matt Hoff

Professional Inspector, License #20783
Bryan, TX 77807

(832) 662-6653 Free Estimate!

Matt Hoff

Matt Hoff TREC 20783Matt is a Professional Licensed Real Estate Inspector (TREC20783) who has been involved in this local, family-owned business for over 8 years.

“I care about helping clients understand the condition of the home they are buying.”


International Association of Certified Home Inspectors® 

Certified Professional Inspector® and certified by the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors® (InterNACHI®)Certified Professional Inspector® and certified by the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors® (InterNACHI®) NACHI14040825

A home inspection is a non-invasive, visual examination of the accessible areas of a residential property (as delineated below), performed for a fee, which is designed to identify defects within specific systems and components defined by these Standards that are both observed and deemed material by the inspector.  The scope of work may be modified by the Client and Inspector prior to the inspection process.

  • The home inspection is based on the observations made on the date of the inspection, and not a prediction of future conditions.
  • The home inspection will not reveal every issue that exists or ever could exist, but only those material defects observed on the date of the inspection.

Septic Inspection

Septic inspections make sure that the system is operating as it should so that you and your family don’t get sick thanks to a leak or other problems. Septic systems treat and disperse relatively small volumes of wastewater from individual or small numbers of homes and commercial buildings. As a homeowner, you are responsible for maintaining your septic system. Proper septic system inspection and maintenance will help keep your system from failing and will help maintain your investment in your home.

Residential Property Inspector

Certified Residential Property InspectorBuying a home is typically the biggest investment you will ever make, so it's important to get a home inspection because the inspector should be able to discover and document defects that may or may not be obvious to you as a prospective buyer.  Such defects can range from simple replacements or repairs to severe damage or safety and health concerns. Additionally, most mortgage companies require a home inspection on a property before approving the home loan. Read InterNACHI’s Top 10 Reasons to Get a Home Inspection.

$25,000 Honor Guarantee

InterNACHI® is so certain of the integrity of our members that we back them up with our $25,000 Honor Guarantee. InterNACHI® will pay up to $25,000 (USD; maximum collective aggregate) for the cost of replacement of personal property lost (and not recovered, restituted or insured) during an inspection and stolen by an InterNACHI®-certified member. InterNACHI's Honor Guarantee is valid throughout the U.S. and Canada. InterNACHI's Code of Ethics$25,000 Honor Guarantee backed by InterNACHI

Attic Insulation Ventilation & Interior

The purpose of proper attic/roof ventilation is to allow cool air to enter the attic at the soffits, rise uniformly up the underside of the roof sheathing, and exit at the ridge venting.  In perfect ventilation conditions, the attic’s air temperature should essentially match that of the exterior air temperature.  Proper insulation on the attic floor helps keep the living space comfortable.

  • Inspect the attic, insulation, ventilation, and interior systems and related components;
  • Identify and describe each system and related components of the attic, insulation, ventilation, and interior

While taking actual mechanical measurements to see if the minimum required attic ventilation is met in a given home is generally outside the scope of a home inspection (based upon the Standards of Practice of the American Society of Home Inspectors [ASHI]), it is prudent for the home inspector to make comments and recommendations regarding an observed lack of or apparent insufficient ventilation.  The home inspector has a duty to his client to report on possible issues, such as this.

Five-Year InterNACHI® Member